Hi I'm Italianx and I've been seeing some problematic and xenophobic behaviour going on and I would just like to call it out.

First of all: I keep seeing people calling Italianx people "white" but this is a whitewashing of Italian culture - especially of Sicily and this is ...
... extremely racist. They are often economically marginalised and portrayed as poor, vixlent mob bosses and lazy. Also, their status as WPOC (white person of colour so a person who is light-skinned and European but still a person of colour) is often erased. And they fear ...
... going to things like pizzarias where they will be made fun of their accent and other things.

They also commonly have their culture appropriated for mass consumption for example Pizza and other things.

They also constantly get called slurs like "F*giolo","Fredo","Luigi" ...
... "Mario","White" (invalidates their status as WPOC), "Pasta Elite". And this is also paired with their media portrayal where they're portrayed as chefs and mob bosses. And phrases like "mama mia", "I cooka meatball" make fun of their immigrant status and their ...
... Italianx accents.

So what you can do about this is to stop using the above phrases, be conscious of your actions, actively start listening to WPOC, and start visiting Italianx owned businesses. I also have my paypal linked so you can help an Italianx person.
You can follow @anarchocopium.
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