So. That study where toddlers were shown vampire masks and giant spiders to see how much they screamed.
The nearly $2 million in funding for it is linked to two funding bids. Thread.
Here's one. Let's look at the narrative in here/
First, let's marvel at the money available. Wow. To frighten some toddlers using a mask and a couple of robots, and write it up. I'm in the wrong job.

Second. Here we got with the narrative. The way we're described as autistic people.../
Capitalisation my own.

"...emotion processing and regulation skills are affected in toddlers with Autism Spectrum DISORDER"
"..DEFICITS in emotional attention.."
"...emotional DYSFUNCTION..."
"...DEFICIENT domains..."
"..emotional DISTURBANCE...attentional DIFFICULTIES.." /
Note all the powerful D words.
Disorder, Deficit, Dysfunction, Deficient, Disturbance, Difficulty.
That wins you $738,000 to frighten the children.
Because frightening the children will lead to the children developing "attachment, communication, empathy..."/
There are tiny children, 22 months old. How much 'regulation skill' does your 22 month old have?
I've cared for all manner of under 2s over the years, and I can tell you that I have yet to find one with 'regulation skills'. They're toddlers! /
Secondly, how in the name of all heaven would frightening a tiny child witless, (whilst the parent sits there, letting the experimenters do so over & over & over) lead to better 'empathy' or 'attachment'?
I assume no-one reads the funding documents either
Goodness me/
I'll give you some better D words, NIH, & I won't even charge you $750,000 for them.


The narrative of Disorder and Deficit drives industries of fear and normalisation. It ends in Disaster and Despair.

Kindly stop funding unethical research.
Where in this funding application does it tell the NIH/NIMH that they intended to scare the toddlers repeatedly using vampire masks, giant spiders, and dinosaurs with terrifying red eyes?
Where was that detail?

@YaleCSC @SANAatYale ?
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