I have a theory about why remote learning is tough for so many kids.

Our standards based, test driven curriculum is boring AF. Kids tolerate it at school Bc their friends are there. At home, why on earth would any kid wanna sit on zoom for hours doing test prep or close reading?
I firmly believe learning is a social, creative activity, which makes remote extra hard. But if teachers had the freedom to focus on joy, community and students interests, it would be a lot better for many kids. So would regular school.
I thought remote teaching pre-k would be impossible. And yes it has challenges, but overall my kiddos are happy & excited to log on every day, & they connect with each other and even play over zoom. It doesn’t have to be soul crushing.
In short, cancel all the tests, focus on community, emotional safety and joy. The DOE claimed this year would be “trauma informed” but they are requiring schools conform to increasingly inappropriate, & soulless curricula & teaching methods. Not trauma informed.
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