I've seen many people of my age fuck up these basic things,

that's why I'm doing this thread.

Every young person should avoid these mistakes (and what to do instead)

// THREAD // https://twitter.com/PathofTriumphs/status/1338094689803616256
First one is MINDSET.

"Oh man, here we go again. He's gonna talk about the cliché stuff like mindset."

I'm not.

I've seen people in their 20s develop "spiritual" mindset. The very first mistake we tend to make. You definitely don't need to be detached from the "things" in 20s.
You're YOUNG. Full of e energy. Hormones overloaded.

And you think of being minimalist and stoic?

A man should become spiritual only when he's achieved everything he ever wanted.

As a young guy, you need to be hungry. Hungry for money. Hungry for success.
Discard the concept that you need to be a detached spiritual person.

Embrace the concept that you are a KING. You deserve everything you desire and wish. You deserve riches. You deserve cars. You deserve high value currency at your disposal.

Use the energy of youth to get it.
Don't be a monk. I see people developing monk mindset just because they can't get certain things.

"I don't need a girl right now, I don't need money, I don't need materials to enjoy my youth"

is a losers way of saying "I don't deserve those things that's why I'm a monk."
Develop KING mindset. The real G mindset.

"I'll get whatever I want. I will work hard for it. I will increase my reputation. I will rule people's minds. I am a king. I deserve everything."

That's what you need to say as a young gun.
2. Not developing high ROI skill

Spending money on cheap girls, booze and Netflix.

Really? You gonna waste your youth by binge watching Netflix and playing video games?

Unless you are not making $3k/month, you shouldn't be playing video games and watch Netflix.
Saving money of Netflix won't make you millionaire,

I agree...but saving that money to buy some course here on Twitter will definitely make you more that enough money.

Saving money won't make you rich but investing the same amount of money in yourself definitely will.
Investing money in yourself means

Spending on mentorship, gym membership, course on gumroad, proteins and vitamin supplement.

Invest money especially on developing a specific skillset that can be monetized. Pay someone to teach you things.
Once you invest the money in yourself,

It will start to give you results.

High ROI skill will help you make more money than your soy friends.

Guess what you can do with that amount of money?

3. Falling in love and not having purpose

I really don't get the point of spending more than required time with opposite gender.

Serious relationship at young age will drain your energy, money and whole life force out of you.
Only person that will love you more than enough at young age is not someone else but you.

Being in serious relationship won't do you any good. If you want, have a very very VERY casual relationship (but that rarely happens because you can't control your raging hormones).
Go for a casual relationship only if you can control your urges.

That's my advice. I know what I'm talking about.

But how can I control my urges? I'm young!!!

You can. Here's how
Having sexual urge is fine but when it becomes too much, it'll drain you.

So solution is to create the urge which is stronger than sexual desires or romantic desires.


Imagine what you want to become. Imagine yourself when you've achieved it.
There are lots of things which will make you find your purpose.

Meditate on it. Write it down. Visualize. Find what will never stop making you happy and fulfilled. That's your purpose.

Purpose is the only thing that'll keep you focused in your youth.
To summarize, develop these-

1. KING/G mindset- It'll help you to have irrational confidence and stronger than ever ambitions.

2. High ROI skill- Which will make you money and wealth to get what you want.

3. Avoids serious relationships and have a purpose that makes you happy.
If you've matched with the frequency of what I've written,

I request you to like and retweet/ quote tweet the first tweet. It'll help me grow and help others through my tweets. https://twitter.com/PathofTriumphs/status/1338830760053145600?s=19
Thank you for reading.

Implement what I've written.

Don't just stop at reading.

Action > Mere words

- Path of Triumphs.
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