#GApol #GAsen After starting at Pillowtex, he was an absent boss. An industry magazine joked about giving him directions to Pillowtex headquarters as a Christmas gift. 2002, only 6mo into his tenure, #Perdue was claiming he had been lied to, & he took EVERYTHING he could get. 😒 https://twitter.com/motherjones/status/1338826378041585666
#Perdue looked for another job—“I had the prospects of being unemployed with no severance protection,” 😢 Meanwhile, 7,600+ Pillowtex employees laid off as the company cratered to a second death. The single largest day of job loss in the history of NC to that point. #GAsen #GApol
#Perdue landed on his feet though. Dec 2002, he interviews to become new CEO of Dollar General, taking over as CEO the following year. For 4 yrs, Perdue would again make millions. And when he left, he would again be sued for possible #profiteering on the way out. #GAsen #GApol
#GApol #GAsen Y’all can see a pattern here. And now #Perdue is representing #Georgia in the US Senate and fighting for his political life against Jon @ossoff.
Perdue’s ROUTINE of smash-and-grab self-help is striking. Perdue knew. He’s no victim. Vote him out. #ForThePeople
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