before i start, let’s admit two things

1. life can be unfair to many
2. anger can be valid & justified

that being said, i will say it again, being hurt gives you absolutely no right, to hurt, or insult others.

also, something to consider is, that getting someone to help you,
is easier when you say

“here’s what you, as my friend/lover/relative, can do to help me in times of crisis”

rather than

“why can’t you help me you asshole?”

cuz like.. you yourself, do not know everything there is to know in this life, & in that same way,
many people ignore how they can help you, & need to be taught.
we are talking about regular degular people that aren’t professionals. they ain’t therapists. so, then not knowing how to help you, is not a crime.

yes it’s frustrating when people do not help you. this frustration,
is legitimate.
but, life ain’t easy, not sorry (not sorry cuz it ain’t my fault shit just is how it is).

& life being not easy means that you may have to make the effort to teach people, HOW to help you.

remember, we already admitted that life isn’t always fair so,
i understand your frustration.
but seriously tho, insulting people is just creating chaos, nobody is out to get you, people just don’t be knowing how to be there, which is sad but true.

still, if we make the effort to fix things together instead of throwing insults left & right,
we will all benefit from this.

because, refusing to learn how to help other & then calling people crazy when you could’ve helped isn’t a solution either tho, just so we are clear.

this will demand patience & understanding from everyone.
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