It is inconceivable that anyone in the children's rights movement would not have a view on the repeal of the 1860 'reasonable chastisement' defence. Incisive question from @DSimmonds_RNP elicited that government's choice of Children's Commissioner does not yet have a view. 1/8
The Committee on the Rights of the Child, which is the treaty monitoring body for the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, said this in 1995 ⬇️ 2/8
The Committee said this in 2002 ⬇️ 3/8
It said this in 2008 ⬇️ 4/8
& it said this in 2016 ⬇️ 5/8
The Children's Commissioner for England's statutory role is to promote and protect the rights of children. The UNCRC is at the heart of this - by law - Section 2A Children Act 2004 ⬇️ 6/8
Even if a candidate for this top children's rights job was unaware of the Committee on the Rights of the Child's concluding observations on the UK, or its general comment on protecting children from all forms of violence, they should still have a view on whether 7/8
it is right that children are the only people in our country who can be lawfully assaulted. /END
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