Just want to retweet this to get the message out that we're expanding our Editorial Advisory Board, but also to draw attention to our newly revised Aims & Scope for the journal 1/ https://twitter.com/SPMA/status/1338797502276005891
In line with our general aim to make @SPMA an accessible and welcoming place for interested people around the world, we have been seeking to remove barriers where we can, including by revising our published Aims & Scope 2/
Past iterations of this paragraph had been quite prescriptive, though this was a well-intentioned (and successful) effort to promote topics and methodologies that were, when the @SPMA was founded, not part of the archaeological mainstream. 3/
But in discussion with @SPMA Council and our Editorial Advisory Board, we have developed this new Aims & Scope paragraph which we hope is more clearly welcoming of all work on the archaeology of the last 500 years or so from anywhere in the world. 4/
The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that we have also updated our Society 'strapline', the text that appears on the front page of the website and in the journal to describe @SPMA. It now reads: 5/
"The Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology is Europe’s leading society for the study and promotion of historical archaeology, and welcomes global perspectives on the archaeology of the post-medieval world up to the present day and beyond." 6/
The last time @SPMA changed this text was in 2006, and I wrote my first peer-reviewed paper about it. You can read it here: …https://jamesdixonarchaeology.files.wordpress.com/2019/04/is_the_present_day_post-medieval.pdf

I guess someone needs to write a new paper! 7/
I hope this provides some further context on our efforts to widen participation in @SPMA and please keep an eye out for more announcements from the Society and Journal coming soon. /end
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