Without any fanfare Home Office published their research into so called grooming gangs
“Research shows offenders of group based CSE are most commonly white”
Though more research is required as some high profile cases are not
Nuanced report to be welcomed
The continuing attention given to ethnicity of offenders masks the bigger issue
Young women & girls have been abused on an industrial scale and not been listened to
Their abusers have been emboldened to continue because those charged with safeguarding them, failed them
One young victim after being gang raped in a carpark at night stands there covered in semen
Who does she ring for help?
Not police
Not parents
Not authorities
She rings man who first groomed her

That’s why:
Early intervention essential
Relationship education should be mandatory
The ONLY thing the child sex abusers have in common is that they are MEN

We spend all our time telling victims & potential victims what to do BUT hardly anything to potential male offenders how they should behave

Misogyny is the main driver
Men need to challenge other Men
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