So the drug deaths figures for 2019 are as bad as anticipated- a governmental failure with a catastrophic human cost. It’s a national emergency. Treat it, fund it as such. And stop passing the buck.
In answer to so many people today: yes, the outdated Misuse of Drugs Act is reserved to Westminster - it would be better if was scrapped. BUT health is devolved. Joe FitzPatrick is the minister responsible for drugs policy in Scotland.
It is not true the Scottish government has done nothing. The Drug Deaths Task Force - set up last year - has driven some important advances in the distribution of Naloxone, and we now have heroin assisted treatment, albeit on a tiny scale.
But this comes against a backdrop of drastic Scottish government cuts to services which are fragmented, inconsistent and often over-subscribed.
It is incredibly disheartening to see people digging themselves into their constitutional trenches over this when so many lives are at stake. Anyway, more later.
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