Some people during the healing journey will be called to put down the sacred herb (marijuana), whilst others on their healing journey will be called to pick up the herb. Different facets of healing require different experimentations. You’ll know what to do based on your alignment
Those called to pick up the herb? Will usually be being asked by spirit to explore as well as expand the boarders of their mind, tap into child like wondrous curiosity & also explore some shadow work without the filter of the egoic mind.
Those called to put it down are likely being asked my spirit to break a dependency in their lives, to do their karmic work without the assistance of something external, to devote self to more productivity, or to remove feelings of lethargy/apathy so that life may be felt again.
It’s not for anybody to judge anyone’s utilisation or relationship to herb medicine. As long as you can afford your own herb, you’re not abusing anybody with/for it + your dreams remain intact, allow the plant medicine to teach you what it came to teach.
The biggest reason some may be called to put down the herb, is the same many are called to walk away from alcohol also. It was a third party in a relationship in which both used it as a crutch & for the means of escapism.
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