Bad news is the super woke, socialist, and progressives helped Joe get to the Whitehouse, good news is he lied to them and isn't going to move forward with their agenda
I think now that the election battle appears, for the most part. To be over, there will now be a shift in the mainstream propaganda arm. They will now start citing unprecedented drops in new Covid cases and highlight the death rates that had already been dropping.
They will begin to spotlight their chosen deities, Governors who "fought against the popular choice and defeated covid" Cuomo, Whitmer, and Newsom. Meet the Press will talk of how Biden's campaign is the real hero, if not for them Trump wouldn't have gotten the vaccine as quickly
Not sure about your area, but gas prices here went up 30 cents overnight. Odd for a Monday, but on the heels of electoral college news. The Dow has begun to recess, they blame it on Trump's demand for another stimulus. You know, the guy who doesn't care about you.
You know, the stimulus democrats have been calling for, but Trump's buddy Mitch has been blocking. The same stimulus that is bound to have more pork than a southern BBQ cook-off. Perhaps Muslims are right, maybe pork is bad, because it comes from a dirty filthy animal.
All that military spending Trump used to chest puff and ward off any would be attackers will now be put to use in our next military exploit. W Bush will get his full pardon as we transition to the next cycle "This was all Trump's fault".
And much to the chagrin of the doomsdayers, no there's not going to be anybcoup attempt, insurrection, Trump's not going to barricade himself in a refuse to leave. He'll be the loud boisterous guy they ask to leave the bar that won't go quietly, but all bark, no bite.
That goes for the other side as well. The country isn't going to tailspin in to some expanded autonomous zone or Chop. We will go on, we will live our lives, some things we may not like will happen, but it won't be the end. We are the United States of America, we will survive
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