@GreatMindsAct It occurred to me that sharing my experience might save some reinventing of the wheel. I’ve collaborated with others in several anti-lockdown projects: writing articles, hosting and joining calls, Tweeting and researching. Some of what I have learned: 1/
For various reasons, it’s difficult for a concerted, rational opposition to organise. Physical gatherings banned; censorship of social media removal of evidence questioning the narrative; failure of media or MPs to challenge; rational opponents smeared as crackpots..2/
& highly effective psych. operation to terrify the population. UK citizens possibly most compliant of any Western country. The terror being blasted out with zero balance has led to people being scared witless both for themselves or ashamed to endanger others or the NHS. 3/
Fear creates huge political capital for politicians (esp. in Scotland.) V. poor numeracy amongst politicians and public leads to a complete failure of understanding of relative numbers. In Dec each year 1600-2000 deaths per day is not unusual. 4/
Covid toll in isolation seems terrifying, and it’s deliberately painted that way. Fresh info like ‘new strain’ ramps up the panic. On the other hand the skeptics, often more independent by nature, fail to come together in an organised and effective way. 5/
They tend to fall into the trap of believing that shouting data should change minds. It doesn’t. The majority are too terrified, innumerate and stuck. in order to help people wake up it’s necessary to appeal to what they value such as security, health, family etc. 6/
It helps to have compassion for their terror. (If you don’t try listening to BBC need for a day.) And to stick to the most compelling errors eg flawed PCR, low risk of CV and health harms from other causes. Stories, compassion and very simple diagrams like @latimeralder help. 7/
Skeptics have failed to find a simple message to repeat often, that encapsulates the true situation. There is a reason for those slogans on the govt lecturns. The good news is that people only need to wake up once. After that they don’t go back to believing the propaganda. 8/
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