How to become regular in prayers: A thread.
1. I began with realising the importance of Salah, it's meaning & understanding. Namaz is just a way to thank Allah SWT for his countless blessings & the best way to communicate with Him, who doesn’t want to communicate with the One & Only?
2. Started offering the prayers which were the easiest for me. That was, Asr & Maghrib. I was never sleeping or involved in important chores at this time which made it easier for me to offer Namaz. I promised myself to never skip Asr & Maghrib no matter what & that worked.
3. While thinking of performing Salah, my only struggle was to get out of bed & perform Wuzu. I was always too lazy to do that so I chose to stay in Wuzu as much as I could. Even if I went to wash my hands, I’d perform Wuzu to gain maximum sawaab & make Namaz easier.
4. When I started staying Ba-wuzu most of the time & became regular with Asr & Maghrib, I started thinking why am I skipping the other three? This guilt in me made me develop a habit of praying 5 times a day, I wasn’t regular at this point but trying.
5. The last thing that worked for me was downloading applications like Muslim Pro & Quran Tafsir which give Azaan reminders. The moment I used to hear Azaan, I would get up & pray. Because the more you delay the prayer, the chance of skipping it increases.
6. I used to only offer Farz & Sunnah rakaat in the beginning & completing the obligatory rakaah of 5 prayers would feel no less than an achievement. This sense of satisfaction helped me pray five times a day for a long time & after a while, I started offering Nafls.
In conclusion, it's never too late to start praying. Even if you don’t pray once a day, begin now. Take it slow, begin from 1. Try to pray as soon as you hear Azaan, stay Ba-Wuzu & remember, “Come to prayer, Come to success.” is a call from Allah (SWT)
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