A nobody cares thread.

Nobody cares about the things that matter - getting investors in, helping new distributors advisors, making things (Slightly) easier for investors, honest mis-selling etc.
Nobody cares about direct plans of mutual funds
Nobody cares about about mutual funds either

Very few care about mutual funds. Just 2.1 crore unique investors. If you probably take out HNIs/institutions in this, that's maybe 20-30%, what's left are the common gareeb folks.
Nobody cares about direct equity investing either.

Next time when someone says, people are moving away from mutual funds to direct equities, show them this and punch them in the throat.

Only 1.5 cr active demat accounts. If you remove duplicates, maybe 60% of this?
Nobody cares because very few people have money to care either?
That begs the question, who cares? About what?

Nobody seems to be bothered about about bringing the next 1-2 crore Indians who invest something into the markets.
What AMCs etc care about?
1. Launching 100 NFOs instead of fixing performance including garbage like ESG
2. Tweeting pointless #Tags
3. Raising expense ratios to protect margins due to outflows
4. 27 "New Normal" and "India growth story" webinars
Nobody gives a shit about:
1. Bringing new investors into the markets. It's just milking the existing whales
2. Bringing new distributors and advisors into the market. Why do that when we can tweet #Advice something random
Please care about things that matter.
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