Like many in our industry, I desperately want to do whatever it takes to beat COVID for the survival of our country. If that means closing to save lives, then so be it. However, we complain when all the restrictions seem to fall at our door, despite no evidence proving higher
Infection rates within our walls, and many mitigations to combat the spread inside our restaurants and bars. When a safe space is closed, but schools are forced to remain open (Greenwich Council threatened with legal action to force their schools to stay open) with under 18s
Being shown to be some of the biggest spreaders, you can still get your hair cut, a massage, shop 24 hours or go for a work out, we feel unfairly picked on.

What the government don't seem to understand, is the financial impact other than simply lost earnings.

We have ordered
Our Christmas stock for the remaining week. Thousands of pounds of meat and fish, kilos of veg. All to be frozen or thrown away. Maybe we can distribute some to staff or charities, but we'll never recoup the money.

We have to invest more time to cancel bookings, close
Available tables, update websites, shut our doors and reorganise rotas. This takes time and therefore money, which we are no longer making.

The stress owners and staff are under is immense, and with each new blow, many will choose to stop fighting. For each business lost,
Many will lose their jobs and future income for the country is gone. The financial support offered from the government, so quick to close our doors, is paltry. Often not enough to cover the rent, but with no more cash reserves to rely on, what can we do?

And this goes further
Than just the venues themselves. Our suppliers are suffering and are not eligible for some of the financial support. Produce suppliers, laundry firms, wine merchants, window cleaners, printers, computer programmers, marketing firms and more. This is a huge industry.
I don't have a solution and I know something has to be done to fight COVID, but I can't help but feel the government have taken the wrong approach at every turn.

I desperately want to see my family over Christmas. I haven't hugged my mum since March. But relaxing the rules
For 5 days, less than a fortnight after plunging much of the country into the highest tier due to a mutated strain and increased cases seems irresponsible and plainly illogical.

We need decisive action, clear leadership and a government willing to take responsibility for
Their decisions. I desperately hope we all see what our "leaders" have done to the country in this time of madness and act according when we have the opportunity.

And don't get me started on brexit!
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