Please be informed, that this is what we call hirsutism. And to the ladies who hv this condition; besides genetics, u might wanna get ur ovaries checked as it’s related to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Woah I didn’t expect this to blow up sbb tu x buat thread pon haha. Anyways ladies, hirsutism ni just one of the symptoms je. Bulu mata/kening lebat tu x kira ye 😅 Oklah mari ketahui serba sdkt apa tu PCOS
PCOS is a metabolic syndrome which causes female hormone imbalance (haa ingt kan kita bljr dulu time spm psl hormon perempuan 😬) and bcs of that, one of the main symptoms of PCOS is irregular periods. Meaning period x dtg tetap tiap2 bulan 3/10
Other symptoms includes sng naik berat badan which can lead to obesity, hirsutism like I’ve mentioned above n kurg subur i.e: susah nk pregnant sbb pcos ni dia mcm ada terlebih hormone laki sbb tu tumbuh facial/body hair and ovary pon x dpt hasilkn ovum. No ovum no baby 👶🏻 4/10
PCOS affects 10% of woman in reproductive age grp (15-49yo) so meaning 1 in 10 woman actually ada PCOS. Haa sbb tu kita org perempuan kena cakna psl PCOS ni sbb dia quite common. Eh kita pulak 😂 5/10
Punca PCOS ni smpi laa ni kita x tahu tp genetic main peranan jgk. Nak kata PCOS ni boleh sembuh sepenuhnya pon agak mustahil BUT it can be controlled. I’ve seen a number of PCOS cases alhamdullilah dpt preggy tp mmg kena extra effort sikit 6/10
So ladies, bila korg rasa korg patut check if yall hv PCOS or not? First thing first, tgk period korg. Kalau irregular period tu most likely ada bnda x kena tu dgn hormon. Yg asal regular lps tu dah 2-3 bln tak pon patut check. Ye PCOS ni a serious condition tp 7/10
kelebihan org prmpn ni dia sng tahu if anything is wrong with her. One of em is by simply checking her periods. Tak mcm kaum adam ni. Boleh je pancut mcm biasa tp sperm x elok rupanya. So mana yg nk preggy tu bwk husbaby u sekali check sbb bnyk je kes laki yg x subur 💁🏻‍♂️ 8/10
Alright so if u hv irregular periods, hirsutism, sng naik berat bdn, bolehlah pi check dgn dokter ye. Yg pntg period la. Ada je kes dia xde hirsutism pn tp period dia irregular and it’s still PCOS. PCOS ni xde ubat ye utk sembuh. Ubat yg kita kasi utk control symptoms mainly 9/10
Yang plg pntg is healthy lifestyle, eat clean, exercise regularly, as this will set off balik our hormones to be balanced iAllah. Anyways, do consult any of ur friendly neighbourhood docs first before korg gelabah nenen x tentu pasal haha 10/10
Okay pls remember that kalau korg ada hirsutism but period okay iAllah usually xde problem. Hirsutism alone doesn’t mean anything. Don’t worry 😉
Kalau nak check boleh je pergi mana2 klinik kerajaan or private. Jgn kome pi emergency pulak. And only pergi check if period korg x teratur sekali. Kalau kome saja pi sbb berbulu shj tp period okay aku wax korg kt situ jgk haha
I’m telling in medical pov that u should be aware about the changes that occur in ur body. But if u still wanna make it sounds sexism, be my guess. Keep being ignorant
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