The government approach to the pandemic is utterly insane. I'd say they have lost the plot except that implies they had a plot to lose.
In the past seven days alone we have three announcements, none of which can sensibly come from one government 👇
1. London and the South East is moving into T3 immediately, due to a sneaky New Strain that attacks only Southerners (boo, but also, yaay). Matt Hancock says the new strain is more contagious than others, but also isn't more dangerous & can still be stopped by the vaccine 👇
Virologists and biochemists who have been studying the fuck out of this virus for nearly a year look on in awe at the mystic powers of a Health Secretary who can tell all of this without even a chemistry set.
Next, although cases are demonstrably spiking in London, and case rises are shown to be common in schools, if you are a school who decides to replace school for *three days* with home schooling, government will SUE YOUR ASS to send those kids to virus centres. 👇
Thirdly, while the virus rages and kids are being forced to catch it, the PM says you can spread through the country at christmas, taking your geographically-specific strain to pastures new. But while you CAN kill your granny, if you do IT'S YOUR FAULT for taking their advice. 👇
These people are psychopaths. Someone needs to stop them. Fuck knows who can.
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