Watched vaccine webinars Alberta Health Services and Public Health Agency of Canada, now sharing takeaway points. This vaccine is critical, lucky that the ones approved by Health Canada 95% effective. You’ll need both doses – same manufacturer – for the vaccine to work.
Normal vaccine development means the companies raise funds to do the research and await bureaucratic checkpoints. Health Canada normally has long administrative processes, which were bypassed – the logistics - the safety, efficacy, and quality were still in place.
Our first vaccine has mRNA, like a messenger with a copy of 1/26 “spike proteins” of the virus. The message to our immune system mounts a response when it sees the same protein. The message cannot be enveloped by our DNA and it's unstable enough to need cold storage.
We have the typical Phase 3 trials on this vaccine. Pending is Phase 4, new safety issues and adverse events that are collected over time – some data is available from initial trials. These “post-market activities” are being shared globally and will be shared in Canada.
Children under 16, pregnant and breastfeeding womyn, and immune compromised or with autoimmune conditions – we do not have enough data. But ongoing trials will answer these questions for safety and effect. For now, it's not advised.
There are 4 vaccines reviewed / under review in Canada. One reason for this quick development was the available funding as well as the anticipation of a coronavirus pandemic that was predictable by epidemiologists, so research has been ongoing for years. (Katalin Kariko!)
We don't know how long immunity is by either infection or by vaccine, but experts say vaccine immunity is more enhanced and longer. People who have had COVID-19 illness should still be vaccinated, after others go and symptoms have gone. We may need another jab next year.
Until enough have been vaccinated, with a problem of hesitancy, we'll need to continue masking / physical distancing / improving ventilation – until we have achieved sufficient herd immunity. We don’t want “natural” herd immunity through infection, killing millions.
The allergies are quite specific – to polyethylene glycol – and so even though they’re warning everyone, it’s quite unlikely that there is cross-reactivity. These are found in cosmetics, bowel preparations, and foods. If you’re unsure, get referred to an allergist.
Even when you’re vaccinated, you could catch a mild version – even no symptoms which could still transmit to others. It’s why we need enough people to vaccinate – 60-70% of folx to protect our community - and AB has a lot of hesitancy. Spread the word…
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