CANADA and the CHINESE CONNECTION. There are many facets to this, and we’re seeing how it’s all playing out right before our eyes. I lost my thread earlier, so I will be doing some quotes as opposed to writing it all out.
China in late 2019. In January 2020, the Canadian
Independent Press Review reported it as follows: ‘Under the terms of the Foreign Investment Protection Act (FIPA), a bi-lateral treaty ratified with China by the Trudeau government in 2019, Chinese security military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” Forces can be stationed
on Canadian soil to protect vital Chinese investments, without the knowledge or consent of local authorities. One has to ask why Prime Minister Trudeau would sign such a treaty? Does Canada not have military to “protect vital Chinese investments?” This is the "Trojan Horse",
and it's all part of the plan. They're protecting their land with troops from whom? The Chinese have acquired 180 acres of land in Texas right next to the largest training airbase for the USAF, not to mention right by the Mexican border. Do you see any Chinese troops in Texas
protecting their land? I think not, and you know why. The Chinese plans on bringing in the Big Tech and Silicon Valley corporations to eventually infiltrate Texas with their socialist agenda IMO. That was then, this Is now. They are stepping up their agenda. Back to the
Canada. Do not believe the fact checkers, they’re on the take. MSM has created malfeasance on an epic scale. Boots on the ground video shows Chinese soldiers on a training exercise, I’m sure you have seen. These troops are there and other ongoing witnesses are reporting this.
Current intel, from various sources:
1. The UN Plans to Break Apart and Occupy America with the Dems help, allowing for a Red Dawn Invasion. This is part of “Agenda 21”.
2. The solders infiltrate post POTUS being certified the winner.
3. They have plans to sabotage our power
grids and infiltrate CISA.
4. If Biden were to be elected (not the case), they would implement Agenda 21 to vaccinate all people and establish law and order under their guidelines. Bringing in the infamous "Global Reset". When you read “Agenda 21” the above is not rocket
science and with all the breaking news out of China you can pretty much ascertain there is much truth to it. On the flip side of the coin, POTUS is well aware of all of this and more, so before we get our panties in a bunch, there is a plan for this too. 5 steps ahead.
The plan has always been in place if you have been follow 17, so have courage and know we got this. It’s already been touted there has been recent activity in SALT SPRING ISLAND (VANCOUVER) B.C. CANADA over the weekend. I’m not going to get into these other activities on this
thread, but if interest, go to these other links from David Wilcock and Cirstenw.👇I cannot confirm any of this, so decide for yourself, but it’s all good. The above is obvious, so now we dig. Lets keep this open and if you have additional news as it breaks, lets share.
May God light your path and give you strength. God speed.

Cristenw. Starting at 15 to 25 min mark for the brass tax.
David Wilcock.
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