Let's be clear, our government isn't protesting CCP human rights violations. They are protesting the loss of profits because China won't trade with us due to Morrison's ridiculous "China Virus" bullshit that he parroted from Trump. #CoalWars
We had Hastie and Paterson calling China "Nazis". We have LNP associated with ASPI stirring up hostilities with war talk and we have Morrison insinuating that China engineered & released Covid_19. And then he DEMANDS that they trade with us? Far Cough. How ridiculous. #auspol
Criticisms over Hong Kong and the Uighurs are valid, when made diplomatically, just as China criticising our war crimes are valid. But let's not pretend this #CoalWar is about human rights violations. It's a pissing competition over egos and Morrison's loud Trumpian mouth #auspol
China chooses not to buy from Australia now. That's their prerogative. Any contracts that have been dishonoured are a matter for the courts. If Australia chooses not to trade with China, that's our prerogative too. But it's a fool, not a leader, who would escalate this further.
The Australian government doesn't seem too concerned about the human rights violations of the workers in Chinese factories that churn out products at a fraction of the cost that Australians can produce them for. #JustSaying
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