Just noticed this misspelling. 🤔 https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/179228808891731968
A quick search find me this city in South Africa. Let’s see if something is dig up with a look see.
It turns out this area is known for golf mining and brick building. The town is accredited to two men, George Harrison and George Walker, back in 1886.

The names seem familiar to me so I’ll tag an anon who knows his history with these names. @78Morpheus
Finding more intriguing information on this town as it was just large enough to influence the World Cup to host their 2010 Finals there. It should be no mystery on the corruption regarding the connection between local governments and the World Cup from other countries.
There’s a small Hollywood following behind this gold mining town and the original home to every favorite Patriots “comedy” as$hole Trevor Noah and Nelson Mandela’s ex Winnie.
‘Barack Obama praises the "spirit of youth" in an address at Soweto University, and calls on students there to keep Nelson Mandela in their thoughts.’

A comment at the beginning of his address mentions a country with a special place in his heart. 00:55👇
BHO connects with the crowd by praising Nelson Mandela’s love in the city. Promoting the past uprising that resulted in a death of a child that shaped the city to today.

It sounds like a certain playbook used to influence the masses eh?

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