Now that #NHMRC grants are no longer under embargo, let me challenge some of the concepts of perceived 'success'

I'm grateful to have won a @TallpoppiesAIPS Tall Poppy Science Award & @HBPRCA Mid-Career Award in 2020 🙏

I also missed out on 8 grants & fellowships - yep 8!

Yep - I missed out on 8 fellowships & grants from the @nhmrc (inc cat 6 Investigator grant), @heartfoundation (even after a great app & interview), & Viertel Foundation (again w great presentation & interview), amongst others

It was very disappointing

For me probably the worst is the time wasted that I wished I had used for something else (e.g. real research, exercise or sleep)

Although unsuccessful, my applications were the best ones I have written in my career, and I am very proud independently!

(this is how I felt👇)
Success in science is relative and, for most scientists (like myself), research careers are not linear

It is literally a rollercoaster from having a grant rejected one day to getting a paper or award accepted the next

I know it hurts, but this is part of the job

So if you were amongst the >90% that missed out on #NHMRC Ideas grants, you are not alone

For those whose jobs depended on it, I'm really sorry.

But don't let this define you or how worthy you are as a scientist or how great your science is

Most researchers I know of have had great unsuccessful grants & papers rejected

I hope you have a good support network

Reach out to your mentors, ask colleagues for help & feedback, talk

You are not alone in this, and in fact I am sure you are in great company

This is also the time to reflect on why we became scientists

What gives us joy, independently if grants are successful or not

If your WHY and your values that drive you to do what we do are not clear, I urge you to work on them before the next grant round

So going back to success...

8 unsuccessful grants & fellowships later, I still feel ‘successful’ because I have clear to myself why I’m a scientist and why it matters

Having clarity, also allows me to feel successful, as to me success is not only of my own and KPIs

Success to me is empowering others, being patients, students, mentees, researchers, to make decisions & find their own path to health and their own success

And to some extend I feel I have achieved it this year, or gave my best trying

I supported the people that matter 🙏

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