This is big time symbolism for what the Freemasons do.They invade countries with ancient artifacts they need to acquire for rituals, then replace it with something worthless or leaving meaningless wars in their wake.
9/11 is the Pharonic new years (Enkutash) a festival involving many human sacrifices. It was all planned. Hence David Rockefeller selling the twin towers 2 months before 9/11. So why did Bush2 blame Iraq for what he & others in this evil power structure did?
2016 military (supposed drill) where they blast the front and back doors via explosion and have men in hazmat suits grab a large shiney golden object. Btw ALL major media coverage of this specific footage cuts out before one can catch a glimpse of what they're carrying.
The ark of the covenant was said to be weapon that the Israelites used against their enemies. It made persons who were around it gravely ill. According to the story God gave Moses the ten commandments to place inside the ark.
Abominations of artifacts especially biblical are necessary for wreaking havoc on the world. Rituals involving human sacrifices gains elites new technology from spirtual forces which is why they've dumbed down humanity to believe the spirit 🌏 doesn't exist.
Spilling evil into this land is nothing new. That's what the specifically "broken" pentagram means. It's an invite for demonic forces to come into our world.
Still don't believe me? 1952 Footage of UFOs outside of the White House the same time the richest persons in the 🌏 (The Luciferian Nazi party) was secretly taking over in Hollywood, major corp.,publishing, DC, & our military as well as other countries such as Australia& Isreal.
Nazi's were heavily into The Saturnian black sun Cult which involves pedophilia, human sacrifice as well as experiments, summoning spirits(demons/aliens), alchemy &the Vril society which is also ancient in origins. It is all connected to the Pharonic Amun-Ra cult.
George Bush's grandfather, US senator Prescott Bush, was a director & shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany. Nazi Party syphoned funds from Jewish bank accounts that went right into Bush & elite bankers pockets.
After WW2 "Operation Paperclip" infiltration of Nazi scientists & Drs. came to America to start secret government organizations& media outlets. Bush2 being a main operative in the CIA during JFKs presidency looked so bad on him that he denied being CIA in an interview in the 90s.
Bush1 signed NWO agenda 21 with Lucifers Publishing at the United Nations meeting in Rio Grande at the UN Conference on Environment & Development (🌏 Summit), held in Rio de Janeiro on June 13, 1992.They changed their publishers name shortly after to Lucis Trust(no coincidences).
Albert Pike Democratic Confederate officer who planned all 3 World Wars ALSO contrived the KKK & the Nazi Party.He wasn't JUST a freemason but a PROUD Luciferian like Alice Bailey(UN)& Nazis. Luciferian media has indoctrinated the masses so much many believe Lucifer is good.
Thats why the United Nations is the biggest child trafficking front in the 🌏. Think Unicef's involvement with the Clinton foundation in Haiti or countless cases of rape & kidnapp around the 🌏 with UN peace soldiers.The depths of evil in this organization is jawdropping?
How can the power of so few control so many? Witchery and casted spells. They have you not by physical force but by spiritual manipulation.
I forgot to mention that the pentagram pic is an aerial view photo of the White House. One of my references for hidden architectural meanings is...
Albert Pikes 3 World Wars. Sorry for blurred image above!
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