OK, as promised, it's time for a thread.

So to start off, another great pod from @ryanjespersen and @samuelgbrooks with #RealTalkRJ this morning. I spoke with @SAndersonshpk a few days ago and he mentioned he was going to be on and I knew it would be a homerun. Definitely
didn't disappoint! But I'll come back to Stephen, I want to start with @sarahkendzior.

So I remember first hearing of Sarah when a follower posted a video of her speaking, to who I can't recall. I forget the context at the time but it was incredible . So calm and collected but
with an edge. I feel like I say this regularly but I sure enjoying hearing more and more women share their thoughts on a variety of issues with their articulate nature and refusal to pull any punches. It'd sure be nice if the guys we hear speak on the regular could manage to
do that........

Ok, now onto Steve. Steve really nailed his opportunity today. I think what's so refreshing about it is, and we're not directly comparable by any means but, I am able to relate to a degree with his journey. I too am a tradesman, ok former now, who spent a bit
of time in the patch (in a management capacity) and am now employed both in the private and public sector here in the city. He hit on an important distinction, and one that I agree with as well, this government doesn't have the workers in mind in the slightest. In fact, Kenney
is destroying any and all appeal to get into the trades. Taking OT kills any appeal to work up north. Attacking the unions further destroys workers rights. Many of the tradesmen in this province work in a union and are the table setters for how things trickle down to the private
sector. The part on the decertification of the trades is a fucking nightmare. I'm only going to speak for electrical, as i'm an electrician, but if you want to do your own work or bring someone in on a prayer and hope they do sound work have at it but.......there are very dire
consequences if things go wrong. There is tons of liability that comes with skilled labour, some of the most severe can be found in electrical. I try to tell everyone I know to get someone certified in to do it. You need to have piece of mind IMO. If this kind of legislation
gets proposed and past it'll signify another massive hit to the fabric of Alberta that makes our province what it is. I admire Steve as he has a ton of passion for what he believes in and sees where things are going and that it takes hard work and determination to change course.
His diverse work history packs a ton of punch for those who want to play the public vs private, union vs non unionized, or O and G vs everyone else game. I value the fact that he's on the side of the UCP resistance and working hard to lay the groundwork for better and brighter
days ahead for all. I think it's also important to echo the sentiment that those employed in public service don't cheer at the loss of employment by others. I'm not sure where such a juvenile and malicious mindset like that festers from but it likely reflects the personal
mindset of those suggesting such viewpoints. How sad. I imagine the caller who went by "Rudy" is likely one of those people.

It was awesome to hear Gene on too. It reminds us how close we're getting to the return of hockey and a very welcome distraction from the current
situation we find ourselves in. I get to go and get my COVID test done tomorrow so I'm ready to work the upcoming World Junior Championship. It'll be nice if we can welcome back the NHL early in the new year. We really need to turn the calendar over. You really start to realize
how rough things have been when you actively look forward to returning to work. Not that I don't enjoy my job because I do but how many people do you know are anxious to get back at it?

On the COVID front, is anybody else puzzled as to why there are folks that don't believe this
is as deadly or as concerning as it is? I had a co-worker yesterday comment after hearing that a fellow co-worker (different location) has passed from COVID that he "is a non believer, but maybe shouldn't be".......all I could think was....well someone you had work history with
just died and it's taking numerous lives.....you can start believing anytime now....

On a positive COVID note, the vaccine has arrived in Canada and people are getting innoculated! What an outstanding job by the global community. I know the journey back to "normal" will take a
while, and I recognize we may never get back to the ways of before but......a little relief will be welcomed. It's been a rough run this year of 2020, hopefully we can come up for some air soon.

After listening to the awesome cast on the #RealTalkRJ share their experiences and
fire freely it definitely made me think, maybe I'll have to contact Jespo and see if I can make an appearance sometime.......we'll see.

Alright friends, followers, and everybody in between please stay healthy and keep working to help out our medical professionals, educators, and
all the people on the front lines. Say hello to your neighbours, smile at strangers, be kind to one another.

Until next time,

Much love from YOUR Insider XOXOXO

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