Twitter is a den of negativity & hopelessness. People complain about the liberals, or communists destroying factories or demographic challenges or China all the time. But no one talks about possible solutions, which are only constrained by factors of time and focus.
Why is constant whining our favorite pastime? Do people not realize that almost all of our challenges are solvable?

Basic requirements are having a STRONG & a FOCUSED leadership. Things will take time & effort, but we are not condemned to the footnotes of history.
I do not want to imply that we Indians are extra-gifted people and can solve the challenges. This is true even in the West.
Republicans complain about the liberals dominating every sphere of life and business. But no one wants to think about kinetic events to create an opening.
One only needs a committed leadership (with both short and long-term plans) and a resolve to overcome every possible challenge.

Learn from RSS. Learn from Muslim league leadership, and how they created Pakistan, although they did not have a long-term plan for their country.
Twitter is an excellent medium for understanding the full sphere of challenges, & getting a brutal reality check on your ideas, akin to the 3rd reviewer in academia.

But, it is critical that we do not get lost in this den of negativity. People are utterly pessimistic here.
Nothing is perfect. Everything has flaws. Google's search engine is not optimal.
But we have do build stuff and create real impact. Sure, get feedback. Improve on it. But do not get lost in this ocean of negativity.
Remember: All models are wrong. But, some are still useful.
You can follow @GuerillaShivaji.
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