Electoral college voting today is setting up an epic January!
Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada New Mexico and Michigan (MI GOP electors have so far been denied access by order of Gov. Whitmer
What are dueling electors?
States with close contests between Republican President Donald Trump and his Democratic rival Joe Biden produce competing slates of electors, one set is certified by the governor and the other by the legislature.
Don’t confuse with faithless electors.
Dueling electors are legal in the constitution
Both sets of electors have met to vote today, Dec. 14.
The competing results will be sent to Congress.
Here's what happens with dueling electors (which has happened once before in 1876 between Rutherford Hayes and Tillman; also happened by ones state in 1960 Hawaii
The President of the Senate (VP Mike Pence) will decide which electors to count...OR he can just disregard a contested states. If Biden gets less than 270, the 12th amendment is invoked and a contingent election is held with the House voting for President and the Senate for VP
Each state is then reduced to 1 vote, there are currently more GOP states then DNC states. The Supreme Court may be called upon to interpret the Electoral College Act to break any deadlock.
But as the Supreme Court already demonstrated Friday with Texas suit, the power lies in the state legislatures so they will through it out as they already showed precedence.
As per the constitution we can be held in suspense on who the next president will be up until Noon on January 20th. It’s the only constitutional date set. Everything else is black letter law which can be overturned by the constitution
So fascinating. Hey Joe, its not over……. And the DNI report comes out this Friday on foreign and domestic election interference. This will allow Trump to kick in Executive Order 1080, bring on the military tribunals.
Barr totally set this up and now with his leaving just before the fireworks start he doesn’t have to be involved in prosecution. But the new acting AG Rosen is on record for supporting military tribunals
The next month is going to be EPIC historically.
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