Kay Ivey is doing back room deals to try & spend 3 billion of AL taxpayer's $ to build prisons & lease them to corecivic for private profits & has intentionally exacerbated inhumane conditions in AL prisons in defiance of a DOJ consent decree to justify it. She is a disgrace. https://twitter.com/GovernorKayIvey/status/1338556862262861827
She put this guy in at the parole board who was in on implementing the habitual offender act that put people away for a years for small crimes. He shut down most paroles and exacerbated the overcrowding. Now he quit just in time to avoid the heat from DOJ. https://www.wsfa.com/2020/11/02/director-pardons-paroles-resigns-gov-ivey-seek-new-leadership/
Here's an interesting bit on what it's like trying to get information from officials about what's going on in Alabama prisons. https://twitter.com/bshelburne/status/1338556001910480903?s=19
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