Tomorrow I turn 48... Wow, on the downward slide to 50. :-) Here are some of my thoughts about my life thus far.

I never thought I'd be married more than once, widowhood was never in my plan and certainly not at 36 years young. 1/
I never thought I'd be a mom to more than two children, having a blended family wasn't even a consideration.
I never thought I'd struggle with anxiety or PTSD, but that was before a plane crash changed my body at a cellular level. 2/
I never thought I'd spend my days preaching the importance of fitness to a stressed and grieving population, that was before I learned how crucial it was first hand. I never thought I'd live in Montana
I never thought I'd have teenage children 3/
I never thought I'd scatter my best friends ashes in the Colorado Rockies
I never thought I'd write a best-selling book
I never thought I'd be such a strict parent
I never thought I'd love again after my loss
I never thought I'd smile again after he died 4/
And truth be told... I never saw myself turning 48 years old EVER!

My point???

Never say never!

Life won't give you what you expect
Life won't turn out the way you planned
Life won't be picture perfect
Life will challenge you and threaten to break you 5/
Life can also be amazing, beautiful, and full of adventure.

Be open to what comes next.
Be grateful for every day.
Find beauty in the smallest things.
Learn to love yourself, discover yourself, and be yourself before you are with someone new. 6/
So what do I know at 47.99 years old... Age really is just a number, after all, I still feel 24 most days.

I love my life more NOW because I've lived through enough to truly appreciate what I have.

You can love what was and what is.

Montana is cold but beautiful :-) 7/
You define each day with small choices, actions, & decisions. The past may have taken you down a road that you didn't plan, but the future can unfold in conjunction with your courage. 8/
You are still here for a reason, & I believe with all my soul that you should live.
Goodnight 47...bring it 48. Michelle ❤️
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