Gonna add Lysenkoism to this list. https://twitter.com/TheAliceSmith/status/1336827306187354112
No, seriously, read this article and then ask yourself if any of this seems oddly familiar -

Ask yourself if this reminds you of the “scientific” arguments being made about gender identities, racial injustice, income inequality....pick your Social Justice poison, if you will.
This kind of Social Lysenkoism has run rampant in academia for decades. Andrew Breitbart saw it, and later wrote about it, when he was in college in the late 80’s/early 90’s. And it filters out into society from there.
Infecting everything it touches. Journalism, business, academia - both in grade school and universities. Only now is it starting to get so ridiculous that a lot of people are starting to notice, but at this point it’s almost too late to stop it.
The most you can hope for is the ability to de-program your kids from the shit they’re teaching in schools today, if you have no other option than public schooling.
All of this woke garbage is made up from biased studies and bullshit data, nothing but feels over facts. But it’s important to keep fighting to expose this shit whoever we can instead of just giving in or getting apathetic.

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