India is the ONLY country at a 《$2K PCI that has designed developed deployed tech protocol standards (eg UPI) on global scale and scope! @matthan @arunmsukumar
All tech standards were otherwise from the developed world ie US & Europe, with strong institutional and state capacities. China has a 3 tier paradigm for tech standards
Tier3 co make products, tier 2 cos do tech and innovation, tier 3 cos make standards. China has a Standards 2035 program that builds on Made in China 2025 to move China from tier 3 to tier 1
China is the 2nd largest payer of fees ie licensing and royalties, to those who own tech and standards. They want to be a net receiver of fees by 2035. Their focus is on nexgen tech ie 5G, batteries, renewables, smart cities, IoT
Europe is struggling to come to terms with the current reality where the US and China dominate global tech platforms and standards. ETSI the European standards institute sees hope for Europe in legal standards like GDPR
Where does this leave developing countries. The Indian model of digital public platforms with pvt sector innovation is a template. India is the ONLY country to imagine DPP for societal transformation at the scale and scope that it has.
Indian standards here are de facto not de jure. For Indian made digital public standards to be available to all, is ICANN a model? Or, http://MOSIP.IO ? Why shouldn't @UPI_NPCI be a global payments standard? How does one prevent BigTech/BigCountry from hijacking these?
India is no China, Europe or US. What should the India approach to standards be? India can be a model for the rest of the world; Geopolitics, sovereignty, economic power etc are all intertwined! Time to think through these issues!
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