đź“ś "Know thyself" (unedited version)

Dopamine 'receptor'
Our brain receptors receive information

"The kingdom is inside you & outside of you"

Like WiFi - the website opens on your computer

The electromagnetic waves for that website is also outside of your computer
Humans are electromagnetic

🧲 Magnetite is found in the brain (same material as refrigerator magnets)

It's why things like microwaves & cell towers effect us

Our receptors process information

Distorted sensitivity is what puts intuition 'offline'
Awareness in what we perceive is then entirely processed at the surface level

Ever see someone who totally lacks social awareness, can't pick up a hint?

This is when the receptors aren't sensitive enough to pick up on nuance information (body language, tonality, vibe)
In this state a person literally needs to be told what to do word for word

It is easiest to control people totally disconnected from intuition

Quote below: "hardening of their hearts"

❤️ Heart represents intuition

Numb sensitivity, 'turning off' the receptors of the brain
Notice the last line "with a continual lust for more"

When our dopamine receptors lose sensitivity

It requires MUCH more to feel anything

It becomes impossible to appreciate the small things

Impossible to focus
Impossible to feel motivated
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