In light of me having no good song ideas today and ppl questioning the #canucks logo and the emergence of this gradient abomination (attached), I'm going to rank all @Canucks jerseys from worst to best.
The one above is the worst but it's a riff on this one: the 2nd worst. The colours seem picked at random, the logo is aggro-looking, hard for kids to draw and oozes small dick energy. A corporate-y try at Indigenous flair but it's Coast Salish like Papyrus.ttf is Egyptian.
Sorry about putting ooze and small dick in one sentence back there. The 3rd worst one has the same sde logo which actually reps its era perfectly when the team was at its gooniest and most impotent. Colours are stock and meaningless.
I think the 4th worst is what we have now. It sucks just as much logo-wise but at least the colour is trying to represent place and history. Our original motif. It's got the blue of the sea and the green of the trees while feeling nothing like those things and clashing.
Shout out to the Vancouver Millionaires logo. Seems like a way more honest name for a team representing Vancouver now. Funny how when we all had jobs floating log booms through orcas pods we were the Millionaires and now we're infested with millionaires and our logo is an orca.
Simplicity. I'd put it in the same league as the Canadiens, Yankees, Cowboys, etc.. aka the hi-end brands who have the confidence to not fuck w it. The only con is the clashy colours but in this context it just suits us. Deep down we're a remote fishing outpost with bad style.
As a little kid Pavel Bure was my goat and he wore this jersey and it's got style and cohesion. Back then I didn't even perceive the logo as a skate so I just drew Habs logos in my cahiers. That's a shame. But besides that 1 major con this jersey is great and doesnt try too hard.
Obviously I was picking the flying V. Be weird and proud. Own the best-shaped letter in the alphabet. We look like we're guarding the fucking Vatican. How could u not want a jersey that looks 0% like any other team? If we stuck with this design we'd be legends of pro sports. -Zg
@MichaelBuble please weigh in here.
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