As many of you know, it’s currently the fifth night of Chanukah. This past week, there’s been a major spike in antisemitic hate crimes, and i’ve seen no one outside the Jewish community talking about it. So, here’s a thread of what has happened so far 🧵 please RT for awareness
TW: nazism, antisemitic violence, being hit with a car, memorial desecration, references to the Tree of Life shooting

I won’t be discussing the hate crimes in order, but just know that all of these have occurred just within the past 5 days, and began when Chanukah 2020 started.
Tonight, December 14th, a Hebrew Academy’s school website was hacked by the alt-right. They published Nazi propaganda into the site, including antisemitic slurs, swastikas, references to the Holocaust, and more. It only happened a few hours ago and is still being investigated.
Pictures of the website below (warning: graphic antisemitism.)
On the first night of Chanukah, the Anne Frank Memorial in Boise, Idaho was desecrated with antisemitic posters. It’s the only memorial for Anne Frank, a Holocaust victim, in the entire the United States and it was covered in swastika posters which read “we are everywhere.”
More from NBC:
One positive twist to this incident was the support shown by the community after what happened ❤️
On Sunday, December 13th, a Jewish man attended a Menorah lighting at a Jewish community center in Kentucky. Someone showed up in a car and started shouting antisemitic slurs. The Jewish man attempted to stop it and was dragged by the car. He ended up being hospitalized.
Details from the Rabbi:
It’s currently being investigated:
On Thursday evening, December 10th, right after Chanukah started, a Davenport, Iowa synagogue called Temple Emanuel was vandalized with “John 8:44.”

This was the Bible verse cited by the Tree of Life synagogue shooter, who killed 11 Jewish people on Oct. 27th, 2018 in Pittsburg.
On Saturday, December 12th, antisemitic graffiti appeared on a building in Barcelona, Spain. It was a Star of David, a sacred symbol in Judaism, with the word “Coronatimo,” which means Coronavius. This vandalism seemed to blame Jews for the current global pandemic.
More from the EJC:
On Friday, December 11th, a Menorah was torn down and shattered on the pavement at the City Hall in Alameda, California. This occurred the morning of the first day of Chanukah. Police are still looking for suspects of this hate crime.
More info from NBC:
In Kyiv, Ukraine this week, a man toppled a Menorah yelling “Jews to the grave.” He filmed himself doing it and posted it to Facebook, yelling other antisemitic slurs in the video.
Video of the vandalism in Ukraine:
Another report on the incident:
Like I said, tonight is only the fifth night of Chanukah, and we’ve seen a spike in hate crimes all around the world ranging from hacking, to desecration, to vandalism, to outright violence. I’ll add onto this thread if more happens, but I hope I won’t have to.
Jewish people face extreme levels of hate crimes around the globe, with incidents recently spiking in the United States and France. We are most vulnerable during the holidays and, as you’ve seen in this thread, Chanukah 2020 has been a major trigger for these hate crimes.
Since the Trump administration began, antisemitic hate crimes have only increased in both frequency and severity. The height of these crimes include a cemetery desecration in Michigan last month and the Synagogue shooting in 2018. Read more about it below.
If you’re Jewish, please practice self-care when you see headlines like this. I understand the grief and the terror. I wish there was more we could do. Hold your loved ones close and try your best to enjoy the rest of Chanukah, a holiday that’s literally about Jewish resilience.
If you’re not Jewish, please don’t leave us out of your activism. We are not safe and it’s only getting more dangerous. We lost 6 million people in a genocide less than a century ago. We’re scared. Many of us are on Nazi hit-lists. We’re harassed online and offline constantly.
Follow Jewish creators. Care about our experiences. We know the warning signs of this kind of hate. We understand how antisemitism operates. Educate yourself. Protect us. Don’t close your eyes to what’s happening.
Compiling this thread was very emotionally taxing, but it felt important to do. If you want to help support the educational work I do on Twitter and Medium, here is the tip jar. I’m currently unemployed and disabled so everything is appreciated. 

תודה ❤️
Terrifying update regarding the North Shore Hebrew Academy High School hack last night (December 14th):
On Friday, December 11th, Dawn Johnson, who is a Republican New Hampshire state representative, shared a cartoon that was initially posted on a Neo-nazi website. It also had a reference to racist slurs. She serves on the local school board but is currently being asked to resign.
TW: anti-Black racism
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