for any of my followers who are curious about the COVID-19 vaccines and are perhaps not hip, like the person who asked this question in the webinar I’m in right now 👇🏽 here is a quick summary (thread)
the Moderna & Pfizer vaccines are mRNA vaccines, which are a new and highly effective synthetic vaccine. the reason it’s so effective is because it trains your B-cells (antibodies) and T-cells. when these win, some are kept as “memory” cells in case the virus returns
the AstraZeneca is a DNA vaccine, which also stimulates B- and T-cell response. it was developed using a standard cell line called HEK 293 which are distant descendents of the cells that originated from a legally aborted fetus in the Netherlands in 1973
this cell line is used specifically bc they are uniquely capable of rapidly producing modified adenoviruses. over decades, these cells have bee cloed and replicated many times and researchers do not use fetal cells from the present day.
if you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will try my best to answer them, although keep in mind I am not a doctor or virologist or an expert. I am just a researching biologist.
I typed that shit so fast, there are so many typos and grammatical issues but hopefully you know what I'm saying
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