Unusual things jump out to me as significant. So I'll be going off on one about something seemingly random and insignificant to others and then sometime later it will impact everything in a way that gets everyone talking about it and people will say "Frankie called it".
And I don't want to sound weird, but I often feel like these things choose me and won't leave me alone until I pay them attention. People often think I have an eccentric view of the world because I kind of come in at everything from an unusual angle. But it is like an instinct.
Something big can be happening, like the Electoral College voting, and Pornhub deletes more than half of its content and a voice in my mind will say "this is more important. This is the beginning of the end of internet anonymity, which will send most of us underground."
I'm serious about this, too. I got the sudden urge to start a Tumblr about 6 months ago and unlike Twitter where you see the people you're following in your timeline, Tumblr also places what it thinks you should see as 'Staff Picks'. It is like something wanted me to see that.
This, of course, led to me researching the history of Tumblr and who founded it. I quickly learned Tumblr was the primary social media site for politically grooming young people and its founder is best buddies with Obama, etc.
In turn, I began to research the sudden porn ban when Trump came to power. I was convinced the official story behind why they went to that extreme to purge the site of all porn was bogus. That something had definitely gone down and they were covering their asses.
That turned out to be about child porn. Tumblr was considered one of the biggest, if not the biggest, child porn website on the internet. There was an investigation that led to other companies they needed to survive distancing themselves, so they purged everything.
What happened today with Pornhub is almost identical. And, again, an investigation has happened and child porn has been found on that website. So they've taken the extreme move of purging the whole site.
But, from what I can see, the discovery of child porn is being used as an excuse to slowly regulate social media with a focus on ending anonymity with the excuse that it will protect children. To test in my hunch was right, I began to research "The End of internet anonymity".
Sure enough, most countries have something in the pipeline to do with holding social media companies accountable for anything that happens on their website. The only move these companies can make to defend themselves is to end anonymity and demand verification.
So everyone is screaming about the Electoral College voting and this Pornhub scandal is saying "No, pay attention to me. I'm more important. I'm the start of people not being able to scream about anything. This is how they plan to silence you all for the next four years.."
Now, we all know the mainstream media is full of lies, but their lies are usually aimed at convincing people something they plan to do is the right thing. Right now, the mainstream media is pushing a conspiracy theory about QAnon fake intelligence reports about Hunter Biden.
This is just one of the things being used to start a huge debate and to call on Joe Biden to end internet anonymity, which I believe he's going to do very early into his presidency.
One call I saw said: "Free speech allows people to have their say, within reason, but it doesn't guarantee their right to hide their identity." That's the main point they're hammering. Anonymity isn't protected by free speech.
Pornhub is not just some random porn site. It's the biggest and most visited porn site in the world. Most of the sites that compete with it are owned by the same people. It is considered a monopoly. Its most popular porn videos come from unverified accounts which just got banned.
Today, the biggest porn monopoly in the world was cut in half. They've released a statement saying they were forced to do this to protect their business as an investigation found illegal porn. So they have to make sure it doesn't happen again.
This is where it gets interesting. They stated the only way to make sure illegal porn isn't on their site is to demand everybody uploading porn is verified. They then publicly challenged the Big Tech giants, Facebook, Twitter to do the same saying the same porn is on their sites.
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