Semi-serious tweet: how depressing is it to be a relatively young person in today’s world (US esp). Govt controlled by senile ppl 3-4x your age (both parties) and has spent the last few decades racking up debt AND underfunding liabilities bc no one had a spine to say no. 1/? 😞s
The ppl getting rich in “business” are either elites (pvt school, target uni, IB/PE-type track) or snake oil grifters pretending to save the world.

Shadow inflation (RE, higher ed, childcare, automobiles, etc) has run rampant such that our parents life is unattainable 2/? 😞s
The political discourse on climate change has been distorted into fantasy vs fantasy such that steps in the right direction are both too much and not enough.

Politics has completely retreated from respect and decency into a world of extremes. Even if you cared and 3/? 😞s
Wanted to engage in change, there is no forum or avenue for participation other than base politics and bullying.

How does this compare to other periods, and how do we turn this around?
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