I asked my students to complete the sentence "The most important takeaway from this class is..." and here are some of their responses:
"being an educator is much more than teaching."
"That things are not always as they seem. In your mind you may think you can not do math, but there is a way that will allow you to understand."
"that I am good at math."
"My biggest takeaway from this class was being able to actually enjoy doing math. I loved seeing the different methods that I wasn't taught before."
"The most important takeaway from this class is that everyone is cared for."
"Biggest takeaway is that everyone is a math person."
"The most important takeaway from this class is to focus on the learning and remember that the grade will earn itself."
"The most important takeaway from this class is math is for everyone."
And then I shared two of my biggest takeaways from teaching virtually this semester:
1. Don't take things personally.
2. Remember your priorities and think about your students' priorities.
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