1) To everyone that has sharply and voluntarily curtailed their lives to lower their Covid risks:

For starters, I have no qualms with that. But let me ask you some questions. Have you also established a lower highway speed? Do you prioritize a consistent 8 hour sleep schedule?
2) Have you kicked soda and other added sugars from your diet? Cut back on those Oreos and Cheez-its? Have you upped your weekly exercise? Really worked to stop smoking? Are you extra careful going down stairs? Have you always gotten a flu shot?
3) Do you always walk on sidewalks - and look both ways before crossing? Did you finally sell that motorcycle? Decommission your pool? Buy a home fire extinguisher? Did you map out the fastest route to your local hospital? Buy higher SPF sunscreen?
4) You see, what I'd hate is for you to rip apart your life simply in the *hope* of lowering one risk you face - and certainly a quantitatively low reduction if indeed successful - while simultaneously ignoring countless other risks that carry a higher collective mortality risk.
5) Because that would make the entire exercise one big arbitrary farce - a game of whack a mole where you only focus on one hole and aren't even consciously aware of the rest of the board. But I'm sure that's not you, that your actions are grounded in logic - not tunnel vision.
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