The Old Middle Class was the creation of the American era and the Commonwealth and Third Republic; its demise began under Marcos and it voted with its feet in 80s-90s; it was the democratic sector of society; the New Middle Class made possible by OFW money is less democratic.
Four things gutted the Old Middle Class: 1. The condition of the USA that USAFFE veterans tl get benefits would have to become US citizens; 2. flight from Marcos era repression/economy; 3. ironically, the Old Middle Class bearing the brunt of land reform post 1987; waves of...
emigration after 1987 and the 1997 crash and again after EDSA Dos. The New Middle Class’ awakening was EDSA Tres and decision to tolerate GMA rather than risk People Power and came of age in 2016 with collapse of 1986 EDSA and anti GMA coalition in 2016.
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