Today the #DisabilityRC is talking about what health professionals are taught about cognitive disability

If this has sparked an interest or you want to find out more about intellectual disability healthcare, here is a thread of some free training
We have an online course on #IntellectualDisability healthcare

It's free if you enrol to audit the course [send us a DM if you have trouble finding it]

Hear from people with disability themselves + common physical and mental health probs

@3DN_UNSW have a suite of courses for family, support workers and health professionals

Includes communication skills, consent and making decisions

It has a lot of mental health content!


Our module for medical students about #autism is coming soon

Autistic people told us what was important to teach students

If you want to find out when it launches, sign up for updates here:
Centre for Developmental Disability Health (CDDH) have online courses for health professionals, disability workers and people with disability

[This is where Dr Tracy works]

These are some of the free online courses we know about

If you know of others, please add to this thread😀

[There are also lots of advocacy organisations who deliver training, often delivered by people with disability, these (rightly so) often come with a charge]

You can follow @QCIDD.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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