I listened to this and...
I thought that it was impactful, urgent, and profound... But
There is this dance that we like to do in progressive faith spaces where we know the elephant in the room but don't call its name... We say things like..."we disagree on a number of issues"
We do this to be pleasant... But the reality is when we don't name the thing we do a greater violence.
The thing that we disagree on is whether or not a person's sexuality determines the direction of their soul
And the practice of that theology has real world ramifications... It affects how actual people are treated...it determines if folks are loved, cared for, and affirmed
The problem that evangelicals have is that they believe you can be a good person and practice bigotry
And it's okay to practice bigotry as long as you can justify it theologically
I'm pretty good at the Bible...I could make a solid justification for murdering quite a few people... But just because I can... Don't mean I should
If we wanna cross bridges we gotta confess as to why a bridge was needed to begin with
When we continue to practice recalcitrant views of the Bible we are advancing theological juvenileism...
It's not scriptural fidelity... Is not biblical authority... It's not faithfulness to God... It's cruelty to your neighbor and it's sin
And until we are able to deeply engage the legacy of biblically based bigotry we will not be able to have the conversations in ernest
Using the text to minimize, negate, and demean people is not in the ethic of Christ...
Jesus greatest foil was not a person's sexuality, sexual practices, gender, or pronouns... But it was a temple tradition rooted in exclusion
It's time for us to grow up and follow Christ well
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