Doctor is derived from Docere, which translates into “To Teach”.
 Therefore, it’s a title that only reflect the highest teaching capacity, at a university. By NO means this word has an origin that reflect the ability to treat, or medico-surgically intervene.
2/So how did we get there?

The title DOCTOR, was, is, only assigned to a person with the highest GRADUATE degree.

A degree can be:
1. undergraduate: Bachelor in Sciences for example.
2. graduate: Medical Bachelor MBBS, MBChB/ Masters/ Doctorate of Philosophy Ph,D.
3/Ph,D across History, has been the highest Graduate degree a one can obtain.
A bachelor degree is earned by learning basic sciences relevant and required by the field one’s acquiring, in Medicine, we study-Medical-(physics, biochemistry, statistics, terminology..etc),
4/only then we can start obtaining a GRADUATE medical education (Surgery, Internal Medicine..etc) which is a graduate degree, yet NOT the HIGHEST graduate degree.
In the 1200-1300s, the Doctorate degree was first awarded to a CIVIL LAW scholar, then came, Medicine, Grammar, etc.
5/The title was confused and used interchangeably w/ Master, across Parisian scholars in Europe.
Until a Doctorate was defined as the HIGHEST academic Degree one can achieve by Germany, and all the world followed.
6/Come the 17th century, Scotland Medical Schools, HONORED the title DOCTOR to it’s Medical Graduates, based on:
1. Scotland Medical schools held a high prestige.
2. It’s Medical graduates obtain an UNDERGRAD Bachelor degree in Science BEFORE, they begin their medical education
7/Which defines a medical education as a GRADUATE education, like Masters.
So why not a DOCTORATE then? Medicine is debatably the highest most prestigious, and noble science. An argument fell apart BC, it wasn’t the highest DEGREE, a Ph.D took much more time and effort to achieve
8/Therefore, Scotland, and all other countries, held the title DOCTOR, to the Highest Academic Degree, and that’s a DOCTORATE IN PHILOSOPHY of any science Ph.D.
Publicly unofficially, the title DOCTOR stuck with physicians, partly their fault, and was the default, because..
9/there are more Physicians in the world than Ph.Ds and it’s much more common to encounter one, who will with no right, or reluctance, wrongfully, call himself a Doctor, even though he hasn’t got a Ph.D.
9/Nowadays, Medical schools from the US, decorate their graduates with the degree, DOCTOR OF MEDICINE MD, based on the same Scottish argument, they get a 4y undergraduate bachelor degree in sciences, then another 4y of medical education graduate degree, which still is not a Ph.D
10/Recently trending the title doctor is being wrongfully, basis being sprayed on everyone, Physicians, Dentists, Lawyers, Judges, etc. And to make matters worse, NON-Ph.D graduate scholars/Physicians, are SHAMING Ph.D holders for calling themselves DOCTORS, a title of their own!
11/To Sum up, A DOCTOR, academically and historically is a one with a Ph.D or it's equivalent, which is the highest Graduate or as we in Iraq call it (PostGraduate) degree one can achieve.
 Physicians, Dentists, Pharmacists, Lecturers...
12/NYC cab drivers who perform Normal vaginal deliveries on daily basis, and everyone else, ARE NOT DOCTORS until they can obtain the aforementioned degree in their field. An exception for that rule, is the equivalent of a Ph.D. Which to my knowledge, are nowadays, many.
@bdaiwi_historia I'd be honored to have your input and view.
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