The 12th House

House of the Subconscious & Sub-realms, Home of Deceit & Dreams, Placement of Institutions & Hidden Enemies.

It will always be more than what it seems.
The 12th House is notorious for it's mystery, for the sheer elusive nature of the thing. The fact it rules over all that is subconscious, all that is unknown, it is the shadow of the Birth Chart, the most forgotten cadent house.
Ruling over the most hidden of topics -- sometimes even forbidden -- it's important to recognize the key points are
• Death
• Deceit
• Darkness

If it is unknown, it is in the 12th House. Lies, manipulation, the afterlife, beliefs, reaction to fear & darkness.
Those with planets in the 12th find that they're proficient with a lot of these things, though along with being the home of all unknown, they tend to be naive so they rarely put them to use, even if others assume that they do so consistently.
The natives intentions are elusive.
Of course, what about the Hidden Enemies? How do these people react to deceit? How are these people able to blend in with the shadows & furthermore -- how do they uncover them?
The hint to the latest is the 6th House. Home of Organization & Investigation.
But, the others?
These hidden enemies are most often products of where the ruler of their 12th lies.
For instance, a Jupiter-ruled 12th House tends to be so lucky they inspire jealousy, or even curses.
A Sun-Ruled 12H tends to obtain these through ego-riddled means.
These hidden enemies can be the evil eye, or people plan attempting to sabotage. You'll find it's the former with more mystical planets -- Moon, Venus & Jupiter. And the latter is indicated by more physical planets -- Sun, Mars & Saturn.
Mercury represents manipulation, onto you.
In the case of planets within the House, these are often hard to achieve as people had often considered the things you do related to this "weird" or "unworthy."
This resulted in either bullying or straight neglect in these areas. Which results in repression in the native.
Dreams, on the other hand, are the door way to the subconscious. The understanding of stress, but also more intuitive means of understanding.
What those dreams bring to you is denoted by what is within the 12th & how it's lord is afflicted.
Lies & Deceit are often tools of Hidden Enemies, yes. However, no one said you were always on the receiving end.
This can be ways to use your own lies to your advantage, the way someone lies, & for what reasons.
It can also represent gullibility.
The 12th House can actually be a source of innate power -- whether in spellwork or within the more spoken world.
You have the power to rewrite reality, the ability to speak into existence, and believe what is said.
However, these aspects give you power & make you vulnerable to it
In relationships, it can allow for the belief that all will be well. The ability to soak up the beauty of the world without cynicism, the ability to look at each person with fresh new eyes.
In work, it can allow the native to climb the corporate ladder, or skirt from notice.
Of course, the 12th House native is often hidden -- but on the days that the light shines upon the darkened moon, it is ethereal. Beautiful like no other.
12th House Placements are inherently people that others "didn't like at first, but now I couldn't live without."
Do you have questions on YOUR 12th House? Would you like to know more? I'm selling $10 mini readings revolving around the topic.

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