I feel really out of place on social media at the moment. Everybody is so funny, bubbly, lots going on, making jokes and chatting, and it’s really lovely to see and read but I feel like a kid sat on the bench in a playground. I have nothing exciting to say or give I’m just blergh
I know social media is a very edited version of people’s lives and often we only showcase the positives for the world to see, but I still feel like I don’t really ‘belong’ anywhere. Life seems to be happening super fast around me and I feel like a fat blob in the corner.
Me listening to the advice “be yourself” whilst still trying to fit in.
It doesn’t help that I had to leave all my friends this year and had a traumatic ending to a relationship where I thought I was loved & safe, but it was the opposite. I think I just so desperately want to fit in with people and feel loved. I feel so lost in this world, sometimes.
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