I love this game so much, I’ve been playing it since day 1 without ever taking a break. I admire the efforts the whole riot team put into every single thing, I truly do. The seasonal tournament had around 20-40K viewers yesterday which is huge and I’m super happy about that.
I want the game to grow and to be as healthy as possible. The in-game client was neat, the casters did an amazing job yesterday and the tournament ran smoothly. ( thanks to @CasanovaCasts , riot and the rest of the team).
On stream and on twitter, I mentioned that I didn’t like the tournament format at all, which I think is also the case for everyone. Without getting into too much detail, you had around 23,7% chance to get 5-0 with a 75% set win rate. If you want more details about the math behind
that or any more specific stats just ask @FreshlobsterC he’s much better than I am at that. But the general Idea is that the format had a lot of variance involved which is something that you usually want to reduce as much as possible. Meaning that hitting the right lineups
5 games in a row and not bricking was what actually mattered the most. Skill is always a deciding factor but it didn't have level of impact it should’ve had.

I really don’t think anyone is entitled to top 32 because they’re known for being a 'good player' or anything like that.
But I do value that if you prepped a lot and overall misplayed the least, the format should allow you to advance.

I do admit that I got carried away sometimes with over-criticizing things while casting or on twitter in both the seasonal and EU master tournaments.
For that I truly apologize. I mean seeing the KEKWs in chat etc. is funny but pointing out every single misplay wasn’t really necessary.

I got a bit too salty seeing that most of the players that I know are really good didn’t make it but then again it’s the format
and it doesn’t have to do with the top 32 qualified players.

No matter how many misplays were shown and regardless of the players’ skill level, over criticizing and being too negative is never a good Idea.
As I said before I’m sure the format will evolve with the game and the next Seasonal will be have a much better format, allowing both new players to the scene to shine while also rewarding the ones who put a lot of effort into the game.
I really didn’t mean to hurt any of the competitors or mock them in any way and I apologize if I did.

Congratulations to all top 32 players and congrats to the winners @den_CCG and @Puyshpii.
I’ll work on my over criticizing side and try to be as much positive as possible and also try to be more encouraging because at the end what really matters is the game as a whole and its community and they both have a bright future imo.
I agree that being positive like most people is definitely the right mindset to have. I really want my twitter and twitch to be a discrimination and toxic free environment.
Tl;DR : Was trying to only criticize the format but ended up being toxic and hurting people, my apologies to anyone involved. Will work on being more positive and less critical overall. Congrats to the winners and I’m looking forward to the next riot tournaments.
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