I got a few harassing emails over the weekend on my post criticizing the WSJ article. I deleted, because men.

But (LOL)

A man just DMed me on my Facebook page to ask whether he should call me babe or kiddo, and to NEVER call myself Doctor when I receive my PhD.

I responded because his info was pasted online (don't worry, I don't believe in doxxing) and because I doubt his wife and young daughter would like being spoken to like this.

I have never seen someone trip backwards so fast HAHAHAHA
He said:

he was "trying to make a point" and not ACTUALLY calling me babe

HIS profession helps people (not the point but I looked it up, it absolutely does not)

EYE harassed HIM

He hopes I've learned something from this experience

...I've saved the best for last, obviously
He accused me of writing the WSJ opinion piece

He said my name is recognizable "unlike John Smith or Suzy Jones." And I should do unto others as I would have done to me.

I have never seen someone run circles like this when called on their bullshit. I am confused, but delighted.
Anyway I had time so I did let him know his anger gave me a good laugh and that I would never think of him again.
Please note, I don't need comments apologizing for how men act on the internet. I'm good. It's a funny story *because it stops here.* Instead, focus on calling people out when they harass, talk down to, disregard, and harm women of color. They experience this far more than me.
I don't intend to make light of the exchange. It's shitty/entitled and a symptom of dangerous thoughts. But, I can largely ignore them because they rarely happen to my face, or impact my career. For people who don't identify as cist-white women, this isn't usually the case.
MANY threads were authored by Black and brown women this weekend on the need to 'over-educate' to have a *slightly* reduced chance of being disregarded in their field/by the public. Women of color are assumed to not have expertise they hold. We should be MAD AS HELL about that.
And so while this particular exchange was funny to me personally, never assume these issues are experienced equally amongst differing demographics. Sure it sucks to deal with, but white privilege protects me from much worse. We can't talk about sexism while ignoring racism.
Some conversations I learned from on this topic: https://twitter.com/atima_omara/status/1337819760021688322?s=20
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