
To gain power Mao conducted “guerrilla wars deep in the countryside.”

"It was in the context of fighting with the numerically superior and better-equipped Guomindang forces that Mao developed and applied his theories of guerrilla warfare."

2/ His followers were revolutionary zealots that encouraged “anarchic insubordination” and “a pathological suspicion of the educated"
4/ The Red Army Faction "was born from the radical student movement of that period, the RAF comprised mainly middle-class youngsters who saw themselves as fighting a West German capitalist establishment.... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35354812
5/ "....which they apparently believed was little more than a reincarnation of the Third Reich."

Sound familiar?
6/ "At the height of its popularity, around a quarter of young West Germans expressed some sympathy for the group. Many condemned their tactics but understood their disgust with the new order, particularly one where former Nazis enjoyed prominent roles."
7/ "It was the 1967 killing by police of a young activist during a demonstration in Berlin against a visit by the Shah of Iran that apparently persuaded Andreas Baader that the post-war authorities were little better than that which they had replaced."
9/ "Arrested and imprisoned, he escaped in 1970 during a library visit with the help of a left-wing campaigning journalist - Ulrike Meinhof - and the Baader-Meinhof gang was firmly established in the public mind."
10/ "Afterwards the gang, now growing in numbers, went to Lebanon for military training with Palestinian guerrillas."

BLM in Palestine (....without the military training?) https://vimeo.com/116675694 
11/ "Back in Germany, the shooting war began with a series of spectacular bank raids and clashes with the police"
14/ In 1975 the trial of the Stammheim three, plus Jan-Carl Raspe began its three-year course.
15/ In 1976 Ulrike Meinhof hung herself. Meinhof was a Maoist journalist that wrote for Konkret magazine for 10 years.

She drafted the RAF manifesto the Urban Guerilla Concept in 1971

16/ the manifesto started with a quote by Mao

"I hold that it is bad as far as we are concerned if a person, a political party, an army or a school is not attacked by the enemy, for in that case it would definitely mean that we have sunk to the level of the enemy....."
17/ "It is good if we are attacked by the enemy,
since it proves that we have drawn a clear dividing line between the enemy and ourselves. It is still better if the enemy attacks us wildly and paints us as utterly black and without a single virtue;"
18/ "it demonstrates that we have not only drawn a clear dividing line between the enemy and ourselves but have achieved spectacular successes in our work."
Mao tse Tung
May 26, 1939
19/ The RAF didn't fall apart after Meinhof's suicide. In fact despite the nickname Baader-Meinhof Group - Ulrike Meinhof was not in charge.
21/ “At the beginning of the Cultural Revolution in 1966, young Red Guards went from house to house, seeking to eradicate all vestiges of what they called “the four ‘olds’ “–old ideas, old customs, old culture and old habits."

Sound familiar?
22/ "Nothing better exemplified the four olds than books.” – Jim Mann of the Los Angeles Times, 1985
23/ Mao urged young people to rise up against their parents & teachers.....

....the result was 7.73 million "abnormal deaths" (Rummel, 1991: 253)

24/ Mao was purging people who weren't adhering to his socialist ideals after the Great Leap Forward (1958 – 1962)

"Chief changes in the lives of rural Chinese people included the incremental introduction of mandatory agricultural collectivization."

25/ "Private farming was prohibited, and those engaged in it were persecuted and labeled counter-revolutionaries."
26/ "The Great Leap Forward produced the greatest famine in human history. ... The Communist Government set impossible goals for grain production based off of military needs. In order to meet these goals, the people worked harder and lied about their actual production."
28/ So as you can imagine Mao would have to do some serious "convincing" to keep the population in line.

The ignorance of the wealthy young people that call themselves Maoists is staggering.
30/ The period was kicked off by the kidnapping and eventual execution of Hanns Martin Schleyer (president of major industrial associations & a member of the SS during WW2). He was seen as a symbol Nazism in the West Germany
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