I understand why they’re changing the name of our baseball team. But also, I’m still kinda bummed about it. Like everyone else, I grew up loving the Indians. Jim Thome and Omar Vizquel were my childhood heroes, and I grew up on stories from the 90s team...
and even though I was too young at the time to really watch those teams, my Grandparents had a tape of highlights from the ‘95 team, and I probably watched that thing a hundred times! The name “Indians” and the Chief Wahoo logo brings back memories a lot of good memories,
And I refuse to believe I or anyone else is a terrible person for feeling attached to those things. Maybe the name is too dated for our current culture and change is needed, but can we not call people racist for wishing the name could stay?
Long thread, but like so many things these days, there is no rational middle ground. I’ll support the baseball team in Cleveland no matter what they’re called because they’re my team and the team I grew up loving! So for 2021, Go Indians!
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