If you are trying to request a refund of Cyberpunk 2077, especially after the studio said it would “help,” please let me know what your experience has been like. DMs are open.
Sony, for example, does not issue refunds if you've played a game, unless it's "faulty." What is faulty? Well, customer service reps are telling people that CD Projekt RED is working on patches. Thus, not faulty.
CD Projekt RED said it would try and help players who bought physical copies of the game, without explaining what that help would even be. The studio did not respond to my request for comment, and there's a seven day deadline to request that nebulous help!
There is no indication CD Projekt RED spoke to its retail partners before making this blanket announcement, thus resulting in mass confusion.
If you work in customer service for any of these platforms, I want to hear from you: my Signal # is 224-707-1561
FYI, CD Projekt did eventually get back to me about this story. They declined to comment.
People are starting to get this response back from CD Projekt RED, after emailing their “help” address for refunds. The language is interesting: it doesn’t tell you to request a refund from Sony anymore. You’re supposed to wait.
Reading between the lines, you’d imagine Sony is upset at CD Projekt RED for sending angry customers in their direction, who then got angry at Sony over restrictive refund policies. (Most people I talked to for my story expressed frustration at Sony, suggesting the trick worked.)
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